December 17, 2005
February 4, 2003
Broward County Commissioners
Broward Governmental Center
115 S. Andrews Avenue
Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. 33301
Dear Commissioners and Aids:
We are petitioning our county government to provide
public funds for free government attorneys to defend fathers, rich or
impoverished, in child support enforcement hearings -- just as the county
currently provides public funds for free government county attorneys to
advocate for rich or impoverished mothers.
Broward County government has in place a
gender-discriminatory, federally funded scheme, where, our county provides free
attorneys to rich and impoverished "custodial" women in child support
enforcement proceedings. The name of the Broward County governmental entity
that perfects this scheme and receives the federal funding is. The Support
Enforcement Division of Broward County.
The county refuses to provide free government attorneys
for the defense of "non-custodial" fathers in child support
enforcement proceedings. This discriminatory policy-scheme violates established
law, and, as such, is not entitled to federal, state or county funding.
The government's unlawful use of superficial so-called neutral classifications
of "custodial" and "non-custodial" are merely masking
invidious gender-discrimination. County government is prohibited from receiving
federal funds, directly or indirectly, to fund a program which discriminates
against one gender. This discriminatory scheme of Broward County government
offends a citizen's sense of justice and is a denial of the equal protections
of the federal constitution.
Perhaps, merely 2%-5% of divorced or unwed fathers are
designated the "custodial" parent. This would mean 95%-98% of the
remaining fathers would be designated as the "non-custodial" parent.
Under Broward County's present scheme, 95%-98% of those fathers will not
be provided the free county government attorneys. In contrast, 95%-98% of those
mothers will be provided the free county government attorneys.
In America, it is a fundamental rule of law that: the
citizen who faces the incarceration is the one who is provided a free county
government attorney to prevent against such unlawful incarceration. However,
under the present unconstitutional policy of Broward County, it is the
"custodial" parent, i.e. the mother, who is provided the free
government attorney to perfect the unlawful incarceration of the "non-custodial"
father. Divorced and unwed fathers are being singled out by our county
government for the deprivation of their federally protected rights by funding
selective enforcement of the draconian child support laws.
This discriminatory scheme of our county government violates
the constitutional right of all citizens to an equal litigation opportunity.
Our federal constitution guarantees every citizen equal access to governmental
Look forward to a prompt reply, responsive to this
Respectfully yours,
Tony Spalding, President
cc: American
Civil Liberties Union
U.S. House
Subcommittee on the Constitution
The Miami
60 Minutes
ABC News
The O'Reilly
Inside Edition
Representative Peter Deutsch
Representative Alcee Hastings
Representative E. Clay Shaw, Jr.
Dept. of Justice
Commission on Civil Rights
Council on Civil Rights