Dads of Florida, Inc.
O. Box 550231
Lauderdale, Florida 33355-0231
December 17, 2005
Charlie Crist
Florida Department
of Education
The Capitol Building
Florida 32311
Dear Commissioner
The Legislature in
its last session addressed a serious problem.
short, the problem was that: school administrators were obstructing
non-custodial parents, without lawful cause, from having any contact with their
child's teachers. It appears, in part, that these administrators were using the
legal Motion of state created "custody", as the masquerade to thwart
and subvert meaningful parent-teacher conferences.
Substitute for House Bill No. 215 (Parental Rights/School Records) was
unanimously passed by both the Mouse and Senate, and was quickly approved by
the Governor on April 16, 2001. The law took effect on July 1, 2001 (Laws of
Florida Ch. 2001-2)
would request that the Department disseminate this new law information to
Florida's school boards, so, that the new law will truly reach all principals
statewide at the elementary, middle, and high school levels, both at out public
and private schools. Also, notification to the Florida School Boards
Association and the Private Schools Associations of Florida would be most
thanks go out to Sen. Campbell and Rep. Cusack for their work on behalf of
Florida's divorced parents, so they could be more involved in their children's
education. Leadership was required on this vital educational matter and Sen.
Campbell and Rep. Cusack meet the challenge.
Respectfully yours,
Tony Spalding
Spalding, Pres.
cc: Senator Walter Campbell
Representative Cusack
Commission on Responsible Fatherhood
copy of new law
Ch. 2001-2 LAWS OF FLORIDA Ch. 2001-2
CHAPTER 2001-2
Committee Substitute for House Bill No. 215
An act relating to
parental rights; amending s. 81.13, F.S.; providing
specified rights apply to both patents; providing an effective
Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Florida:
I. Paragraph (b) of subsection (2) of section 61, 13, Florida Statutes, is
amended to read
3. Access to records and information
pertaining to a minor child, including, but not limited to, medical, dental,
and school records, may not be denied to a parent because the parent is not the
child's primary residential parent, Full rights under this subparagraph
apply to either parent unless a court order specifically revokes these
rights, including any restrictions on these rights as provided in a
domestic violence injunction. A parent having rights under this
subparagraph has the same rights upon request as to form, substance and manner
of access as are available to the other parent of a child, including without
limitation, the right to in-person communication with medical, dental, and
education providers.
2, This act shall take effect July 1. 2001
by the Governor April 16, 2001
Filed in Office Secretary of State April 16,