DADs of Florida
Dads of Florida, Inc.
O. Box 550231
Lauderdale, Florida 33355-0231
December 17, 2005
Dear Judge Ross:
A recurring situation in the Broward Family Court
system has been brought to my attention as the President of Dads of Florida,
Once again a judicial assistant within the Family
Division unjustly and without provocation denigrated a member of our organization
who is a non-custodial father. Non-custodial fathers report this practice to
our organization repeatedly as a routine method of treatment, a reoccurring
process. The judicial assistants do not seem to take into account the
impediment the family court places on a child-father relationship.
When the relationship between children and their
fathers are obstructed within the confines of the Family Court, and
non-custodial fathers make attempts to correct the situation, the fathers
should be met with the same level of respect and expedient action as any mother
receives from the judicial assistants.
When fathers are simply requesting that the Court do its job and protect
the child-parent relationship in an emergency basis, they are only asking what
the Florida State Statues and public policies already mandate.
Obstruction of a child from access to either
parent must not be allowed. It is the Court's duty to ensure, without bias,
that this situation is expeditiously corrected when the request is made. The
judicial assistants should not let their bias determine the treatment of
non-custodial fathers who are filing actions to gain contact with their
children. Rather, the assistants should follow the mandates and principles of
the Family Courts and the letter of the law in the Florida Statutes. As
President of DADs of Florida, I hope that you take our suggestion to properly
educate the staff about this issue, so that the judicial assistants will
understand that public policy shows no bias to gender.
Thank-you for your prompt
attention to this matter. Please
contact me if you have any further questions or comments. I hope that by
bringing this issue to your attention, we can work together to eliminate
the bias and disrespect experienced by fathers who in many circumstances
have already been subject to unwarranted emotional and
psychological anxiety.
Respectfully yours,
Tony Spalding
Tony Spalding
President DADs of
CC: Florida JQC, Florida Legislature, Gov.
Bush. Lt. Gov. Florida Commission on Responsible Fatherhood, Channel 4,6,7,10,
Miami Herald, Sun Sentinel