Dads of Florida
Dads of Florida, Inc.
O. Box 550231
Lauderdale, Florida 33355-0231
17, 2005
Chief Judge Dale Ross
Broward County Courthouse
201 South East 6th Street
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
Dear Judge Ross:
I am in receipt of your correspondence of November 29, 2001.
Thank you for prompt communication, however, your letter was not
responsive to the concerns raised.
You should know that Canon 3B(5), of the Code of Judicial Conduct, in
pertinent part, states:
judge shall perform judicial duties without bias or prejudice. A judge shall
not, in the performance of judicial duties, by words or conduct manifest bias
or prejudice, including but not limited to bias or prejudice based upon race, sex,
religion, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation, or
socioeconomic status, and shall not permit staff, court officials, and
others subject to the judge's direction and control to do so." (emphasis
To reiterate from my letter of November 26, 2001, a judicial assistant
within the Family Division unjustly and without provocation showed bias an
prejudice to a member of our organization who is a non-custodial father.
Non-custodial fathers report this practice to our organization repeatedly as a
routine method of treatment, a reoccurring process.
It is apparent from our courtroom
observances that the issue of bias exists at the judgeship level as well.
I look forward to your response with the specifics on how you, as the
chief judge of this circuit, will address the bias and prejudice raised in this
Respectfully yours,
Tony Spalding
Tony Spalding
President Dads of
CC: Florida JQC, Florida
Legislature, Gov. Bush. Lt. Gov. Florida Commission on Responsible Fatherhood,
Channels 4,6,7,10, Miami Herald, Sun Sentinel