Dads an
Organization to protect fathers
By Donnie
is a section that we thought to give a try. An area of the magazine devoted to
community growth. This might enable certain individuals or groups to go in the right
direction in search of aid or support. Our feature organization this month is
DADs of Florida, inc.
DADs was founded solely for fighting
for the rights of children and fathers in matters pertaining to family court.
Too many fathers are being silently pushed away from their children by our
legal system. It is time for these situations to change, to offer help to dads
who want to be good parents. Custody laws, child support, and other laws must
change to end this silent discrimination. Fathers need to play an active roll
in a healthy environment for their kids.
One of the leading causes of drug
abuse, crime and teenage pregnancy is single parent families. Most custody laws
provide limited visitation rights by the father, Men who want to be flood dads,
can't because of the way the laws are written. Those who are living this
nightmare, understand fully. They know what they are up against and how the
chips will fall.
DADs of Florida is working to change
these laws. The changes come through lobbying state representatives. holding
public awareness meetings, using the media and holding support gatherings
monthly. DADs has already gotten some laws changed, making progress toward a
better community by allowing fathers to become more involved in their children's
lives. This in turn not Wanly benefits the dads, but the children and society
as well. Something we should all think a little more about, our society.
Fathers need their kids. Children need
their fathers. Not only part-time, but as an active decision maker in helping
to forge the future for the kids. Not just for money or entertainment, but 'or
guidance and nurturing. Fathers are a symbol of strength in the family. Be
there for your kids.
If you are a single or divorced father,
check out DADs at dads@dadsusa.com. Meetings are held at the West Lauderdale
Baptist Church, 3601 Davie Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of
each month at 7:30 pm. Call 954.493-9763 for information,
February 2002 SADDLETIME