My nightmare began the second week of June 1999. My twin sons came to stay
with me for their 2 week summer visit. My wife, and I had to discipline (no
spanking) the one boy several times that week due to his disruptive behavior
both at day camp, and at home. My ex-wife learned of this and did not agree
with our parenting technique, therefore without my knowledge she picked up
the children from the YMCA on Friday, and told me via phone I could not have
them for the second week. We argued over this, and since that time
everything in my life has been practically destroyed by this woman. She told
me during one of our few conversations that I would never see my children
again, and boy was she not joking! Shortly after that experience I was
served with papers regarding the modification of our original divorce
agreement. My ex-wife sought out an increase in child support, and many
other add ons to the agreement which were totally unreasonable. One such
request was that I pay child support until they turned 23, also pay for their
entire college educations, and pay entirely for two sets of braces, the list
went on. I earn approximately $25,000.00 per year, I am not a wealthy man by
any means, however she does not seem to take this into consideration.
Needless to say she was only awarded an increase in her child support, and
that I pay for 1/2 any uninsured medical bills. She was not too happy with
the outcome to say the least. Then 3 months after that on June 19,2000 the
police, along with Child Protective Services, were at my door questioning us
regarding child abuse. The nature of the allegations were that I exposed my
sons to pornography, which I am 100% not guilty of doing! My ex-wife was the
individual who contacted CPS, after supposidly learning of this through a
third party witness. To this day I have 2 felony charges pending against me,
am in
debt $25,000.00, and have had a no-contact order forced upon me since June
19, 2000. The evening the police came to our home not only did I attempt to
clue them into the fact my ex-wife was behind these false allegations, but so
did my parents, our neighbor (friend), and my current wife. None of their
statements regarding that fact were even put into the police report. In my
opinion the entire system is very prejudiced against the non-custodial
father, and I sincerely hope that one day that changes! This has been a
horrific experience, and there seems to be no end in sight.
Douglas Basey