February 27, 2001 Phyllis F. Ph.D. District Administrator, D.C.F District Ten 201 W. Broward Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 Dear Ms. Scott: May this correspondence serve as both an acknowledgments as wed as a response to your letter dated February 14, 2001. I am aware and as you stated in your letter, Governor Bush wants this matter GIVEN CLOSE ATTENTION. You state that you reviewed this case; I am hoping it was accurate and thorough since I, and I am sure, Governor Bush would like the following questions answered: 1. why was I ordered to court on August 12, 1999 under the false pretenses by you and your agency assuming that justice would finally be done for my daughter My daughter, and in an "AMBUSH ATTACK", five minutes before court resumed, instead of the abuser Joe , my former wifes live in boyfriend being charged, you and your agency brought false and frivolous charges against me, the protective parent, who along with other witnesses of this abuse to my child, brought the incidents to light to D.C.F.? Your only witness on this date, Dr. Leo of C.P.T. refuted these outrageous charges and this hearing was angrily dismissed by Judge Rosenberg. 2. Why after numerous reports were received by the Florida Abuse Registry, as you state in your letter, did you and your agency choose to alienate me, the protective parent, from my daughter, by securing an illegal injunction, hampering me from protecting my daughter and you and your agency further endangering her both physically and psychologically since a very strong bond between my daughter and me was cruelly and abruptly broken due to your actions Doctor I am fully aware calls to the Abuse registry were made by but not necessarily limited to the following: (a) Neighbors where my former wife and daughter resided with the true abuser Joe (10/98). (b) Myself in (2/99), witnessing bruises and black and blues across my daughters lower back after not seeing her for one week, my daughter stated to me as well as other witnesses that "JOE HIT ME!" After calling the Abuse Registry, I followed their instructions and took My daughter to Homesafe in Lake Worth where a report was made by Don of D.C.F. and photos of My daughters abuse were taken by (2) Homesafe employees. On this date My daughter stated to another staff member there when questioned "JOE HIT ME." Why at this time did your agency fail to notify the police to issue an arrest warrant for Joe ? © Pastor Joseph. after witnessing these abusive injuries to my daughter and hearing her say "JOE HIT ME", called the Abuse Registry and Mark Holsapfel of D.C.F. who never returned his many calls. (d) Two State Attorneys at a later date, contacted the Abuse Registry when (2) separate daycare centers my daughter had attended, failed to report suspected abuse after witnessing these abusive injuries. (e) The Boca Raton Community Hospital emergency room also contacted the Abuse Registry when witnessing suspected abuse to her eye and face. On that date when picking her up stated to (2) daycare workers that "JOE DID THIS." Again why did your agency failed to contact the police to issue an arrest warrant for Joe or at the very least, issue an injunction to have My daughter removed from her abusing and dangerous environment. why were none of these incidents brought to the courts attention by you and your agency when, instead, you choose to pursue me at these false, frivolous and harassing hearings? You state in your letter that my child is "thriving in a safe and nurturing environment?" Since you say you performed a review of this case let me not allow you to continue to conceal and cover-up vital safety issues and facts in this case as has been done by you and your agency since the onset of this abuse in 10/98, further endangering my child. Your description of her environment is very disturbing and quite questionable. It is obvious that the position you have taken to protect the abuser, Joe has put your agency in a dubious position when the true facts finally surfaced on July 19, 2000 in Judge court when he ordered "No Contact" with my daughter and her neglectful mothers brother who is a crack cocaine addict and with whom her mother, Mary Cacossa, openly admitted in court on that date that she had left him alone on many occasions with our child since she was six months old! Upon your "review", did you not come across a certified letter from me to both you and your employee Mark approximately one year prior to this July 19th hearing that stated the dangerous environment my daughter was being subjected to by her mother (see attached). This warning and informative letter was submitted to the case file the Governor requested you "review." It is due time you come to terms with the truth by admitting to all the injustices, cover- ups and lies that you have been engulfed in since the inception of this abuse case. It is ironic how you and your agency withdrew from this dependency case when on 07/19/00 Judge Frusciante stated "The mother is the problem and I \want this on record." He also ordered to see the abuser Joe "eyeball to eyeball at the next hearing". (To review properly please review transcripts of (07/19/00). You state in your letter this case should be filed in family court not in dependency court. Ms. Scott, how do you come to this conclusion with all these serious safety issues still remaining unresolved? At this point you and your agency realized the truth which you were concealing and well aware of, was being uncovered, and instead of making your dangerous wrongs right and finally taking measures that would hopefully protect my daughter, the very easy and dangerous way for you was to again avoid the truth and withdraw your harassing and frivolous charges you manufactured against me. Your withdrawal of this hideous case against me was definitely justified, but when you finally did so, no measures, again, were taken to protect my child by neither D.C.F.s Kirt or the Assistant Attorney General Sherri, who were both present at this consequential hearing of July 19, 2000. (See Judge orders) B.S.O. has also informed me that several abuse calls have been received even after the 07/19/00 hearing. Ms. Scott please review and give 1l details. Your continued use of the term "unfounded" after a period of over (2) years when I and others provided you with overwhelming evidence of abuse to my daughter by Joe , has proven to be reckless and detrimental, not only in this case, but was evidenced in both the Joshua Saccone and Kayla McKean cases and many others. Words you use to mask abuse, such as "unfounded" are directly related to our children in Florida being injured and killed and this must END! I, and many others, perceive D.C.F. to be no more than a common street gang with you as their leader in Broward County Florida abusing your power. My daughters court appointed attorney, Catherine who remained quite inactive during the dependency case replied when I questioned her about her uninvolvment that she did not want to anger the BIG WIGS OF D.C.F.. Its a shame to witness tire negative influence you have over people who would, otherwise, be in a position to help protect children. (See court orders of 07/19100 and review transcripts) Mark Holsapfel of D.C.F. even went as far as using the Guardian Ad Litums Key by having her lie on the stand against me and she was subsequently caught in her lies under cross examination by my attorney, Maria. I than filed a formal complaint against her which resulted in her resigning from her job. On a final note, please explain your actions regarding a complaint made to Governor Bush by me in a certified letter dated February 1, 2001 regarding a "Backdoor", illegal hearing; you requested personally. Obviously, your only objective was to protect and clear your neglectful and incompetent D.C.F. worker Kirt. I was the complainant in this matter and was never notified of a court date and therefore, could not present evidence and a impartial witness and negative police report about Kirt of D.C.F.. Marion witness letter and police report attached) This is another illegal tactic of yours which serves to do no more than continually hurt and kill our precious children in Florida. Also please review the entire motion I have filed in Dependency Court which to no-ones surprise has most likely been influenced by you and your department and subsequently denied. In view of all of the investigation I and Governor Bush have requested, it is quite evident that your three (3) paragraph response dated February 14, 2001 is generic and totally inadequate. I and the Governor are hereby awaiting an in depth response to all of our concerns and questions I have set forth in this correspondence and attachments listed. May I re-iterate from your letter that Governor Bush "wants this matter given close attention." Awaiting your findings, I remain, Very Truly Yours, Frank Cacossa
Palm Beach Post News Article 02/13/01 Re: D.C.F.
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