My name is Jim Gard. I understand that you may be interested
in a Father's Day story regarding men who have limited rights. Here is a copy of a letter
I sent to our governor. I have been raked over the coals by Judge Richard Eade, even to
the point of being denied to see the kids on Father's Day. His reasoning was that my ex
wife made previous arrangements. Now understand, we are both teachers. She made the
arrangements immediately AFTER I requested the kids on that day. I can give you a lot of
info and will certainly be as fair as possible to both sides of the story. I also do some
volunteer work with parents who have been alienated by another parent. As a matter of
fact, one case I have now is about a Father alienating the mother. Read on for a
letter I sent to an anti-Dad organization several weeks ago.
The VAST majority of Fathers
are not family abandoners. A growing number are victims of parental
alienation. Parental alienation is often a Mother trying to alienate the
children from the Father (but the other way also happens). In my case, where
I make sure to support the children, to the tune of 33% of my monthly income,
which includes paying for 100% of their health insurance and after taxes
leaves me with around 25% of the gross income to live on-try it see how much
fun it is to live on maybe one meal a day. The children are NEVER allowed to
call me, yet when I have them I make it a point to have them speak with Mom.
I am RARELY informed of medical appoints, even though one of my daughters has
been through 5 heart surgeries. Understand there has never been domestic
violence, never cheating of any sort. Sure, there are three sides to every
story, hers, mine, and the truth, but parental alienation is a sickness, a
way of continuing to control one through the children, a control that was
lost at the divorce, yet must be continued as a way of satisfying one's own
addiction. Ultimately, as always, the children suffer. Adults can recognize
and deal with games others play. Kids are always caught in the middle, and of
course, as a vast amount of research indicates, grow up to different degrees
of dysfunctiionality. So, here's one Dad that will never abandon his kids,
one Dad who will make sure that no matter what is directed toward him, the
kids will not suffer, one Dad who, when the kids are distressed, will deal
with it in such a way as to relieve their stress making sure they know they
are loved by both parents and will never show disrespect for the other parent
around them, and one Dad who knows how to have fun with the kids while
developing them mentally, socially, and physically. see...